Sunday, August 12, 2018

12 Aug 2018 What Is Intelligent Design?

What Is Intelligent Design?

There is this video making its way around the internet.  A Christian group asks these people if they are atheists.  If they say yes, then they are asked if a book just assembles itself all by itself or is there “intelligent design” in its creation.  All the atheists say there is intelligent design in its creation.  The Christians then ask, does a person just assemble themselves?  They go even deeper and ask if your DNA just assembles itself or was there “intelligent design” in its creation.  Most of the atheists agree that there appears to be some “intelligent design” in it.  Now we don’t get to see how many people were interviewed and how it was edited. The answer the Christians want to get to is that God was the “intelligent design” behind DNA and thus is responsible for all life on earth.  There is never any discussion about the possibility that over hundreds of millions of years: electrons, neutrons and protons form different atoms that in turn form different molecules.  Groups of molecules called nucleotides are formed that are the foundation of DNA. 

If Christians want to have God to be the “intelligent design” behind DNA then they also have to have him be the reason for genetic issues such as Down Syndrome, cystic fibrosis and sickle cell.  So much for the “intelligent design” argument when these conditions don’t look too intelligent.  They can’t claim all the good about the creation of DNA without also accepting the responsibility for the negative challenges it has.  Funny thing though, that was not mentioned in the video.  I would say that was not too intelligent on their part.

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