Friday, August 31, 2018

31 Aug 2018 When Do You Need To Look Out For Yourself?

When Do You Need To Look Out For Yourself?

When a relationship ends does it always have to be one wins and one loses? Can you part ways where both sides feel that they were treated fairly? Neither side ever gets one half of everything. If you add all that was divided between two parties it’s still is less than the original amount. The two parties combined are greater as a whole than in any division of it.

At what point do you have to look out for your own interests? I am not saying be totally selfish but realize that you have a life to continue with. This is a tough one especially if the breakup of the relationship is not ugly. Each wants the other to have the opportunity to continue on with a good life. Do you need to set a date in the future when you are truly done with the relationship? I don’t mean this in the sense you have no communication with the other person but more in the financial obligations to each other.

Look, breaking up of any relationship takes an emotional toll. Even in the best of circumstances when you still have great feelings for each other. Can’t two people continue to live together as great friends after they have been married if that is the best near-term solution? Or is it better to just make the break and start living separately? These are not easy questions to answer. There is no right or wrong way to proceed or at least I don’t think there is. But there are others who believe there is an absolute right way to proceed. It all depends if each is completely honest and open with the other person. You can’t be guided by what others think. Get all the options out there. Discuss the pros and cons of each. Agree to a path forward and move on. That is the best way I feel to proceed in this situation.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

30 Aug 2018 What Did You Think Of John McCain?

What Did You Think Of John McCain?

I knew John McCain did not have long to live when they said what his diagnosis was. He had a full life with many highs and extreme lows.  Only a couple thousand people, those POWs in Japanese hands still alive from World War Two and those from the Vietnam era can truly understand what he went through.  He was one of the strongest proponents to reconcile with North Vietnam.  

When I was a student in Australia in 1974, the brother-in-law of my host mom was a POW of the Japanese for 4 years under unspeakable conditions, torture and depravity.  Thirty years after the war he still had a deep hatred of the Japanese and would kill any of them if he could get away with it.  John McCain put his experience behind him and tried to do what was best for both countries. 

He had very tough political battles in the Senate but did not take things personally.  Some of his closest friends were Democrats.  I don’t know how he would have fared as a President.   With his pick of Sarah Palin as his running mate, that did not show great judgement. He claims he really wanted Senator Joe Liberman but was talked into Palin.  The President needs to lead and make tough choices.  If he was talked into someone he didn’t really want for his most important personnel choice, would he cave in other more important decisions?  Hard to say. His time for the Presidency was really in the 2000 election.  Age was a factor in the 2008 run.   

I did not always agree with his positions.  I don’t think he was vocal enough in his denouncements of President Trump. He could have rallied his colleagues. He put politics ahead of principle until too late.  That said, he gave a lot for his country.  I will miss his voice in the Senate.  We need more people like him who will not only talk to members of the other party but form close personal relationships.

Fair winds and following seas John McCain.  You had a good life. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

29 Aug 2018 What High School Class Would You Teach?

What High School Class Would You Teach?

I would teach a class that combines speaking, reading, writing, financial education, and plant the seed continuously over the school that they are responsible for their future.

Public speaking is a skill like any other that can be improved with practice. I would have students present a topic every other week.  It would cover current events and historical ones.  We would practice mock interviews.  The first time they speak they present an argument from the view they want it.  In two weeks, they have to present an argument to support it from the opposite view.  This way it forces them to look at things differently. Sometimes it will be just them, other times it may be a debate format with another student. However, the goal is to get them as much experience speaking in front of people.

I would have weekly reading and writing assignments to get those skills enhanced. Some of this would be in preparation for the speaking assignments.  Critical thinking skills are the main theme for these areas. 

Over the course of the year I would provide financial education briefings from other people on all areas related to this.  Credit debt, retirement, mortgages, anything that may impact them.  

I would also instruct them on personal responsibility themes. I would introduce them to ideas from people like Tony Roberts, Robin Sharma, Napoleon Hill, etc. A core practice would be “Deep Work” as explained by Cal Newport.  Every week reinforce that they can do anything they want if they take action and do the work. That they take personal responsibility for their future and not blame others.  They would memorize and repeat each week the “man in the arena speech” by Teddy Roosevelt and the poem “Invictus” (“I am the master of my fate, captain of my soul”) by William Henley.

This is how would prepare students for their entry into post-high school life.        

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

28 Aug 2018 What Has Parenting Taught You?

What Has Parenting Taught You?

For the longest time from teen years to early 20’s I was positive I was not going to get married and I was not going to have children.  It was something that I just knew was true.  Why?  I don’t know. Some of it was an insecurity that no one would want to marry me.  Funny, what you knew to be true in fact was not.  I did find a great woman and after seeing each other on and off for 2 years we got married.  However, from day one when I met her I said no kids.  I was firm on this even though I knew how much she really wanted to have kids. I pulled the “you knew this” card whenever it came up.  

Well the universe had other ideas.  One day after 5 ½ years of marriage pregnancy came.  It was a surprise.  Now I had a dilemma.  What was I going to do?  My wife was adamant that she was having this baby whether I stayed or not.  I did stay, and we had a beautiful baby girl. 

I did not read any books on parenting. I just did what I felt was right.  Did I make mistakes?  Not sure. We only had one child, so it was easy for each of us to get a break.  Of course, in reality the mother shoulders most of the child rearing.  This is especially true for a military wife.  I was gone a lot for the “terrible twos.”

I had to learn patience.  I had to learn that little girls are different than little boys.  I had to learn that she was hearing school topics for the first time and that she might not just “get it” and thus I should not get mad if I thought something was “easy.”   

The most important thing I learned was how much she taught me about unconditional love and trust.  For someone who never wanted children, it was the best thing that has happened in my life. 

Happy 30thBirthday Ariel.  I love you and am so proud to be your Dad. 

Monday, August 27, 2018

27 Aug 2018 Would You Stand Up?

Would You Stand Up?

I criticize members of Congress for not standing up to the President. Right now if you do it, it means you will probably lose your next election.  For member of the House, they only serve 2 years at a time so they have to campaign every election cycle.  Senators serve for 6 years so they can be more vocal especially if they 4 years to go.  For a lot of them, being in their elected position is something they have always wanted. Should they do what needs to done to stay in office (e.g. not criticize the President)?  On the other hand, should they take a stand on what they really believe and have to leave their job?  The moralist in me says you take a stand and if you lose your job, at least you can hold your head high.  However, I can also see the argument “if I keep my head down for now and hope this will pass.”  I do not agree with that logic but I can understand it.

Most people may never have to make a decision that challenges their morals or what they know is right.  I can say I will always stick to my principles but I have not had to face that dilemma.  I have no doubt I would risk my life to help save someone else whose life is in immediate danger. But, would I risk my job and thus affect my family to speak up to some bad leader?  That sounds like a contradiction but it is not.  

I have no respect for congressional representatives who do not speak out because they support the President.  I am unhappy with those who do not speak out because they are protecting their jobs, but I do not disrespect them as much.  I wish they did.  Would I if I was in their position, I certainly hope so.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

26 Aug 2018 Can We Have Allies With Bad Customs?

Can We Have Allies With Bad Customs?

We have many allies around the world.  Some of these countries share our ideas and customs.  However, some of them have practices that are at odds with our values.  Does a countries strategic value outweigh its internal customs?   Should we judge a country by our values?  

We should take a hard look at some of our allies.  Saudi Arabia is one whose internal practices are not aligned with us. Though it is improving, the treatment of women is not what we would call acceptable.  Should we look the other way because we need their oil or because we don’t want an adversary to replace us?  I say no.  If a country does not live by values you consider acceptable then you should be willing to not be a partner with them.  Their argument is that is how their society has operated for centuries.  That does not make it right.  Do the oppressed in the country like the way they are treated? Would they want the country to change and treat them the same?  I would say yes, they would.  It is easy for the ruling class to want to keep things as they are.  They are in power.  We should not reward a country for those practices.

China has a terrible human rights record.  It watches everything its citizens do.  It has a closed internet for the country.   Any dissent leads to jail and even death.  Yet, we have every company wanting to do business with them.  Our companies give away its technology to China in order to get sales.  This is wrong.  Even Google has succumbed to the lure of business in China.  So much for their “Do no harm” claim.  I guess sales outweigh ethics.

The US should not help repressive regimes stay in power.  I don’t accept the premise that it is ok if a country treats its citizens badly if they help us strategically.  You either have principles or you don’t.  Sometimes it is difficult to take a stand on those principles, but you are better for it if you do.   

Saturday, August 25, 2018

25 Aug 2018 Is Mankind Improving?

Is Mankind Improving?

With all the negative news that is broadcast each day you would think there is nothing positive.  Even though the population is growing at an alarming rate, the quality of life for the vast majority of people is improving.  Diseases that use to wipe out vast numbers of people are now almost gone due to vaccines.  Medicine has advanced to the point to where newborns are able to have their lives sustained, even if born 2 months prematurely.  At the other end of the spectrum, people are living longer.  The average age of death is still slowly increasing.  

When I was young, someone in their 60’s was considered old.  Sixty-five was the age when people were going to retire. Why 65, because when Social Security was developed the actuarial tables said people on average would only live 5 years longer.  Today it is very common to meet people in their 90’s and even over 100.  A lot of them have active lives.  

There are still large segments of the world where people live in extreme poverty. This needs to be addressed by each country and the rest of the world.

But is mankind improving outside of health? I still think on the whole it is. The discoveries and inventions being made are incredible.  More people have access to education.  The more educated the population gets the better.  Communication is available worldwide.  Connection to the internet has its drawbacks, but all in all it breaks down barriers and provides a means for education and expression.

Mankind has many issues it needs to fix, but it is still moving in the right direction.   

Friday, August 24, 2018

24 Aug 2018 Do You Care About Elections?

Do You Care About Elections?

I think it is sad that hundreds of million or even billions of people around the world want to have the ability to freely elect who leads their country. But they don’t due to repressive governments.  Whereas in the US, just about everyone can vote, yet, the numbers that do is not great. Less than 60% of eligible voters voted. People take for granted the democracy we have.  It has faults as all governments do, however, as of yet I have not seen a better option. 

There is a lot pf press that the actions and rhetoric of President Trump has energized the Democrats.  It will be interesting to see how that translates in the November elections. Traditionally, the off-year elections have a lower turnout than Presidential ones.  The general consensus is that the Democrats will retake the House of Representatives.  That would cause challenges to any legislation being passed for two more years.   The big issue would be if they retake the Senate. The Democrats would not approve any judicial nominations from the President. Not just Supreme Court but any lower courts too.  They want payback for the Republicans blocking of Merrick Garlands appoint to the Supreme Court in the last year of Obama’s presidency.  

I want people of all political ideologies to come out and vote.  It is important not only at the federal level, but also state and local positions.  Elected officials make laws that impact you.  If you disagree with those laws but did not vote, then you have no reason to complain.  An active citizenry is vital for a thriving democracy.  Do your part and vote.      

Thursday, August 23, 2018

23 Aug 2018 How Is Socialism Better?

How Is Socialism Better?

Several people who are running for Congress as a Democrat say they have socialist positions.  The question I have is, where has socialism been successful?  In theory, yes it has some alluring ideas.  However, in actual practice it is not a sustainable form of government.  To paraphrase the basic tenant of socialism it is “for the capable give much, for the incapable take what is needed.”  The problem with this is the number of people who claim to be “incapable” grows and those that produce shrinks.  Human nature takes over and if you can get something for nothing then so be it.   The only incentive to work hard is to produce more for those who say they can’t.  There is a huge difference between those who are actually incapable and those who claim to be.  Why work at Wal-Mart when I can get what I need for nothing?  Now a proponent of socialism would say it is incumbent on the government and perhaps society to make sure those who are capable actually work.  Who makes that determination? 

Capitalism has a lot of flaws, so does socialism.  Winston Churchill said it “The inherent drawback of capitalism is the unequal distribution of wealth; the inherent blessing of socialism is the equal distribution of poverty.”    

It is in the execution of capitalism that the challenges come about, not in the basic principles.  However, I do not believe that there is a way to fix socialism.  It is not a sustainable way for society to operate.  Even in the bastion of socialism, the old USSR, there was great inequity between those who governed and those who labored.   This demonstrated the difference between reality and theory.  

When you hear someone talk about having socialist ideas, do not dismiss them out of hand.  Have a respectful conversation and make that person explain how they would implement a socialist item and be able to sustain it.  Also, have them defend how their way is fairer.  I would bet the theory outweighs the reality.    

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

22 Aug 2018 How Can He Cancel Clearances?

How Can He Cancel Clearances?

President Trump has removed the security clearance of former CIA director John Brennan because Brennan has been critical of him.   This is unprecedented.  I don’t think a President has done this before.  It was only done because his ego is so fragile, and he can’t take any criticism at all, even if it is the truth.  

John Brennan has given his life to serving the country whereas Trump was a draft dodging coward.  Yes, John Brennan has had very tough criticism of the President.  Does this mean that anyone who says bad things will have their clearances pulled?  Did Steve Bannon have his pulled?  He said tough things.  

He said Hillary Clinton should be put in jail, does she still have her clearance? Some Democratic members of Congress have said very critical things, why have their clearances not been pulled?    

This vindictive President continues to embarrass himself and the country. Where are the other Republican leaders in Congress to denounce this?   Do they not recognize the precedent this creates?  A future Democratic President will do this to some Republican and they will not be able to do a thing to complain about it.  The silence from them now sets the stage for the future.

This is one more action from Trump to demonstrate just how unqualified he is and what a disgraceful person he is. But the silence from Congress is deafening.       

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

21 Aug 2018 Do We Fund Enough For Education?

Do We Fund Enough For Education?

There is debate every year that we need to spend more on education.  However, there is no direct correlation to how much is funded and the quality of the education.  Washington DC schools spend way above the national average per student on education, but I doubt there are many metrics that show it has paid off.

Teacher pay is always at the top of list.  You get what you pay for.  If you want quality teachers, then you need to provide a salary that retains them. In return for increased pay, teachers need to demonstrate that they deserve it.  You don’t get it automatically just through seniority.  Teaching is a tough job.  If you think it is easy, then shadow a teacher for a week and see if you can do it.  By the way, you also need to give an hour or two in the evening to grade papers or prepare lesson plans.  This extra work is uncompensated.  If you are short supplies, then you have to buy them yourself.  Yes, teachers get an extended vacation in the summer, but it is earned. Teachers spend as much or more time with your children then you do. You would think you would want the best person for that job.

The facilities are important in providing an environment for learning.  However, I have seen palaces built in school districts where money would have been better spent on quality teachers.  There needs to be a balance between good facilities and teacher funding.  

I believe the two most important factors needed for a student to receive an education are the quality of the teacher and parental involvement.  If both of these set and enforce high standards, then better students will be had.  They can even overcome sub-standard facilities.  School administration personnel and local government/school boards also play a big role. 

A free public education is one of the foundations of our society.  It requires funding to meet the expectations of society. It also requires diligent oversight, so the funding is properly allocated to best meet the goals.  A community needs a vibrant school system to thrive. Parents, teachers, administrators and government officials all have a role in this. It can happen with honest dialogue and participation.

Monday, August 20, 2018

20 Aug 2018 Can Liberals Be Racist?

Can Liberals Be Racist?

Does someone have to follow all the “accepted” positions of what is defined as liberal in order to be one?  Can someone be pro-choice, support free medicine and schooling for all, higher taxes for the rich and corporations, pro-union, and open borders but not like a certain ethnic or racial group and still be a liberal?  Of course, you could ask the same from a conservative viewpoint. 

When I say racist, I don’t mean in the white nationalist way.  You would not want harm to come to anyone.  You are more so in a “soft” way.  You don’t want to inter-act with that group. You don’t want them in your neighborhood.  You would be upset with a family member who dated, or god forbid married someone from that group.  Your racism in subtle with negative comments here and there.  You would have a hard time explaining exactly what it was about that group that disturbs you, but it is there.

So, you have all the liberal credentials expect this one thing.  If your racism was kept to yourself or within a trusted a group of friends, then you would probably be welcomed into to the liberal community.  However, if it became public knowledge that you have expressed negative views about an ethic or racial group then it may be problematic. Or so you would you think.

The New York Times hired Sarah Jeong and then twitter posts surfaced where she says some things that can viewed as racist.  Now the Times says they have to be taken in context and she was only joking and firing back at others who said things to her.  This may be true, however, I bet there are people who lost their jobs for saying things when “they were only joking.”  I do somewhat see her side after reading some of the vile stuff that was sent her way.  However, words are important.  Her liberal credentials may be voided if further stuff surfaces.  It would be a test of the liberal community to see just how much “bad” they could accept in someone and still have them in the group.   

Sunday, August 19, 2018

19 Aug 2018 Is There Life Beyond Earth?

Is There Life Beyond Earth?

Now life can be anything we think of.  For me that includes plants along with animals, aquatic life and humans.  The existence of even one microbe on some other planet would mean we are not alone.  I believe that life exists in some aspect out there in the universe.  The challenge is the chances of finding it the next century or two is very remote.  That is to be able to send some sort of probe to see it.  The distances involved are just beyond large.  We have put a probe on Mars which is in the room next to us from a relative distance standpoint.  The Voyager space probe has recently left our solar system and that is after 40 years of travel.  

We have technological challenges that keep us from improving on the current tens of thousands of miles per hour capability we have today to getting into the thousands of miles per second that is required for travel just within our own galaxy.

Our best chance of getting any indication of life beyond us is through improved probes and space telescopes.  We see tremendous improvement in our ability to build better space craft.  Scientists and engineers are finding ways to produce better materials to handle the rigors of space.  Computers and software are at the forefront of rapid change.  Measuring equipment gets more sensitive every decade.

We may not see something on another planet beyond our solar system for a very long time, however we may be able to “sense” it within my lifetime.  I know “they” are out there.   It will just take a while to let them know we are here too.       

Saturday, August 18, 2018

18 Aug 2018 Does Diversity Have To Be Everywhere?

Does Diversity Have To Be Everywhere?

I agree with the argument that the more diversity you have in an organization the better it can be.  It is not a given that it will, but it sure does help.  I believe it is very important for children to have as many classmates from as many backgrounds as possible.  They will be able to see and experience people from other ethnicities and cultures in their formative years.  It would be harder to instill negative opinions of “other” people if they interact all day long at school.  Racism and hatred are taught.  If the child hears one thing at home but experiences something different at school, then maybe they will form their own opinion.

Do you need to have diversity in all organizations you participate in?  Can you have just a men’s or women’s club? How many factors of diversity are required?  Can just sex be the differentiator and it be ok as long as that is the only one?  Can any single sex (or any one defined factor) organization be allowed if it takes any tax funds to operate?

There are many news stories about the diversity of college campuses.  There is a lot of pressure on the administrations to have a diverse student population.  Do the Historical Black Universities (HBU) need to have the same focus on their diverse student population as any other institution?  This is a sensitive issue as the HBU’s existed because blacks were not allowed entrance into the state schools, especially in the South.  Grambling University has a student population that is 90% black.  The University of Alabama, a bastion of segregation in the past, is 77% white and 11% black.  Blacks make up about 15% of the US population.   

Should Grambling move towards a more diverse population that is in-line with the US Population?   Again, there can be an argument made that a dominant factor in an organization is ok as long as it is not the only factor. Grambling allows anyone to apply and attend, just like the University of Alabama.    The diversity statistics are not good at Grambling but that is due to historical factors.  But, if diversity is good, it would benefit the school and the student population to improve this.

I have no problem with single diversity factor organizations (e.g. men) as long as that is the only discriminating factor.  However, if tax funds are involved, then it gets complicated and my support is not that strong and I would need a convincing argument as to why it is ok.

Friday, August 17, 2018

17 Aug 2018 What Immigration Reform Does He Want?

What Immigration Reform Does He Want?

So, President Trump has been saying how tough he wants to be on immigration. That we need to stop the flow of people across the border who are coming illegally.  He even wants tough restrictions on legal immigration to stop “undesirables” from coming and chain migration.  Chain migration is when someone gets legal immigration status then citizenship then they bring other family members over. 

Trumps in-laws just got citizenship through chain migration.  His wife, Melania, had her parents come over.  Now it was all done legally, however, I bet the process was done a little quicker since she is the wife of the President. I doubt you will hear the President use his in-laws as an example of why chain migration needs to be stopped or greatly reduced. Funny how that works.  If it benefits him or someone he cares about, then it is ok.  The hypocrisy of his rants on immigration knows no bounds. 

Of course, I doubt Fox news will even mention this.  It would beyond their journalistic guidelines to do so.  No negative stuff can be said about the President. Of course, there will be other networks that will overdo it and report this like it is some great injustice.  Trumps’ wife used the process within the laws as they exist now.  You can’t fault her for wanting her parents to be near her.  

The President should mention his in-laws in his rants on why chain migration should be reduced or stopped. But we know that is not going to happen.  

Thursday, August 16, 2018

16 Aug 2018 What Does It Mean?

What Does It Mean?

I had a long talk with a friend about my marriage.  I value that friend’s insight.  She said she couldn’t understand why I was married.  There are a lot of issues I need to address.  We have a very loving relationship, but I feel like I am married to my very close friend, not to my partner.   For a long time, I would keep everything inside.  I did not want to confront “uncomfortable” situations.  I was not being honest with myself or my spouse.  It helps neither of us if I don’t talk about things.

The day after talking to my friend I was walking to my gate at the airport for the return trip home.  I looked at my hand and noticed that my wedding ring was gone.  I had no idea when or where it happened.  It could have been an hour or two days.  I called the hotel and they looked in my room and found nothing. I only take it off when I work out with kettlebells.  I had not done this for over a week.  I know I had it prior to my trip.  

When I got home I looked through my suitcase and backpack to see if it was somehow there.  It was in the bottom of my backpack.  How it got there, who knows.  The thing is, it does not come off easily.  It can’t just slip off, I have to pull pretty good to get it off.  I tried it couple of times when I found it to make sure it was not loose.  It wasn’t. 

I took that as a sign that I need to address the issues.  Something is telling me it is time to have that difficult conversation.   Where that conversation goes, I can’t say.  But ignoring it is not the answer.  

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

15 Aug 2018 Are You Living The Life You Want?

Are You Living The Life You Want?

At what point is it more important to live the life you want vice the one that benefits others. By others I mean adults.  If you have children (under 18 years old), your responsibility to them outweighs desires you have.  This may not seem fair to you especially if they are very young and you are looking at many years before you can make changes.  Too bad, they didn’t have a vote on who their parents would be, so you have to suck it up and provide the best you can.  What that “best you can” is needs to an agreement between the adults. 

In your post-child years, do you make the life you want?  At what cost do you do this to others?  Obviously if you can find a compromise that satisfies each then that would be optimal.  However, that is rarely the case.  No matter how hard you may want to not hurt anyone, someone usually “loses.”  What cost do you take to be  fulfilled?  

 I struggle with these questions.  This isn’t about self-pity or being some kind of martyr. It is about getting my life to a place where I am content.  Does that have to come at the expense of others?  In my case it probably does.  What is fair?  What are my obligations given the choices I made?  I am not talking about minor inconveniences here.  Every relationship has its ebb and flows.  However, when the point comes where the issues really impact the relationship changes need to be implemented.

What is absolutely required is having those difficult conversations.  By keeping in my feelings, I am not only lying to them but also to myself.  The conversation is not selfish, the silence is.  The easier path is to remain quiet and go along like all is well. Easier is not better.  Honesty is better.  Commitments have consequences.   But that does not mean you can’t discuss how that commitment has gone vice how you expected it too.   Be honest, have the conversations.  My life depends on it.  

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

14 Aug 2018 Do You Condone Him?

Do You Condone Him?

If you work for President Trump, does that mean you condone his actions?  Many who do work there say they do it for the country. However, I don’t buy that.  This is where I disagree with members of Congress who publicly don’t criticize but privately hate him.  That does not count.  You either stand up for what you believe in or get out.  Same with anyone in the executive branch.  If you really dislike what he has done but stay, you condone everything. You don’t get a pass because you say you are doing it for the country.   This is where I lost all respect for Gen Kelley, the Chief of Staff.  I thought he was man of honor, I was wrong.  Trump is forcing DoD to have a military parade to satisfy his ego.  Gen Kelley is supporting it.  It is a waste of resources.  Trump is a draft dodging coward yet when he disparages John McCain, a person who went through something very people ever, Gen Kelley still stands by Trump’s side.

I am not saying you are never going to disagree with your boss and have to blindly follow her or him.  I am saying if your boss took sides with a dictator instead of with the US agencies who provided him with overwhelming evidence that this dictator meant harm to the US and you stayed, then you too support that dictator.

I guess there is no line this President can cross that will make people quit their jobs.  People’s egos are too tied to the elixir of working in the White House.  They chose ego over moral courage, or it seems they have no moral courage.  They do not even speak out “off the record.”  The executive staff of the White House blindly follow President Trump no matter what. That is sad.  

Monday, August 13, 2018

13 Aug 2018 What Happened Before The Big Bang?

What Happened Before The Big Bang?

There seems to be two schools of thought on the universe began.  You have the religious side who say God did it and you have the Big Bang crowd.  The Big Bang has a lot of cosmological evidence to support it.  However, my question is what happened before the Big Bang?

I enjoy reading about this.  I am always amazed at the serious brain power that comes up with the arguments, experiments and math to support the Big Bang.  You can’t look at that event in terms of your current reality for time measurement and speed.  The concept of a “second of time” is a unit of measure defined by man.  This is an argument the religious people use when they say that God created the earth in seven days.  It is seven “God days” and may not be seven man days.  

I support the idea that the universe was created from some cataclysmic event about 14 billion years ago.  Here again, a year being a unit of measure we devised and use.  That is ok because it gives all of us the same frame of reference. But about the day before the event? What was going on?  There had to be something.  Einstein said nothing goes away, the energy just enters a different state. 

What do I believe? That the universe is like a rubber band, you can stretch it out until it reaches some limit and it goes back to its original form.  The universe expands until it reaches some limit and then contracts back into itself.  So, you have a Big Bang when it reaches its smallest contraction, then expands out to a limit and back again.  This cycle can be repeated an infinite amount of times because no energy is lost.  It just keeps recycling.  Who knows how long a cycle is? What does happen is any record of any civilization in the previous cycle is gone once the Big Bang occurs. We are just a civilization in the current cycle.    

Sunday, August 12, 2018

12 Aug 2018 What Is Intelligent Design?

What Is Intelligent Design?

There is this video making its way around the internet.  A Christian group asks these people if they are atheists.  If they say yes, then they are asked if a book just assembles itself all by itself or is there “intelligent design” in its creation.  All the atheists say there is intelligent design in its creation.  The Christians then ask, does a person just assemble themselves?  They go even deeper and ask if your DNA just assembles itself or was there “intelligent design” in its creation.  Most of the atheists agree that there appears to be some “intelligent design” in it.  Now we don’t get to see how many people were interviewed and how it was edited. The answer the Christians want to get to is that God was the “intelligent design” behind DNA and thus is responsible for all life on earth.  There is never any discussion about the possibility that over hundreds of millions of years: electrons, neutrons and protons form different atoms that in turn form different molecules.  Groups of molecules called nucleotides are formed that are the foundation of DNA. 

If Christians want to have God to be the “intelligent design” behind DNA then they also have to have him be the reason for genetic issues such as Down Syndrome, cystic fibrosis and sickle cell.  So much for the “intelligent design” argument when these conditions don’t look too intelligent.  They can’t claim all the good about the creation of DNA without also accepting the responsibility for the negative challenges it has.  Funny thing though, that was not mentioned in the video.  I would say that was not too intelligent on their part.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

11 Aug 2018 Why Does It Cost So Much?

Why Does It Cost So Much?

A couple of weeks ago I had surgery to correct a minor heart issue.  I walked into the hospital at 5:30am.  I went into pre-op at 6:00am.  At 7:45 I was taken to the operating room.  At 8:45 I went to the recovery room.  Before leaving the operating room, I was wide awake, no grogginess at all.  I was in no pain.  I waited 45 minutes in the recovery room for the anesthesia doctor to come is to say I was good to go up to a room.  He was there all of a minute.  I wanted to go home but my doctor who performed the procedure is very conservative and had me stay until the next morning.  So, I got to my room and waited until the next morning to go home. A nurse would come by each hour to see how was doing.   Someone else would come by every 4 hours to take my blood pressure and temperature. That was the extent of my care. At 6:15am the next morning my surgeon came by and said I could go home.  He was in the room about 2 minutes.  It took three and half hours to get processed out.  

So, I was in the hospital less than 29 hours and only 3 hours in specialized care. The bill the hospital sent my insurance company was for $171,000.  Now, that does not include the cost of the surgeon or the anesthesiologist.  Those are separate charges.  This was purely for the use of the hospital facilities.  I have say that the quality of the care was great.  All the people were friendly and professional.

Now, I know my insurance company will not pay that full amount.  To be sure it will still be an outrageous amount.  It is a game the hospital plays.  They bill a lot and the insurance company then pays part of it.  The hospital then deducts the difference as a “loss” for tax purposes.  

I will ask for a detailed bill, so I can see just how the hospital charges. There is no justification for charging that amount.  It shows just what is wrong with our health care system.    

Friday, August 10, 2018

10 Aug 2018 Why Are There Borders?

Why Are There Borders?

I don’t ask this as a discussion of the issues with the Immigration policies of the country.  No, it more of a global question.  Borders are set up by a collection of people who want to control how life is lived within that area. Historically, that collection of people was homogenous, their tribe.  As society developed, people moved, and “different” tribes formed.  However, each group still maintained defined areas of land as their own. But why do they get to claim it? For the most part it was due to many generations of the same tribe living in the same place.  The overwhelming majority of people stayed in the place they grew up.  That is true today for vast numbers of people and for the majority depending how far you define their distance traveled and if it is within current defined borders.

No one gets to define where they are born and raised.  However, should that define where they have to live without permission from some other tribe?  That is, once you are an adult should you be able to go where you want without any borders? If you live some place that someone else wants to, but the only reason you get to live there is because you were born there does it give you any more right?  That is the challenge. 

The idea of a borderless world is many decades in the future if obtainable at all.  People have been tribal for millennium.  Until a majority of people in the world do not define themselves tribally, we will continue to have borders and continue to have wars over them and laws defining who can come in and stay and who can’t.  

Thursday, August 9, 2018

9 Aug 2018 Can An Evil Person Redeem Themselves?

Can An Evil Person Redeem Themselves?

From a Christian based viewpoint, yes, a person can redeem themselves. Redemption in this instance deals with life after physical death.  However, in that person’s current life, they may feel they have done actions that in their mind warrants redemption.  However, is redemption an inner or outer result?  Is forgiveness the outer redemption?  I don’t think so.  Forgiveness is one’s way of purging internal feelings about some wrong done to them. Whereas in redemption, you actively participate in the change of another person.

I believe that a person has to experience an inner redemption irrespective of any external forgiveness or help.  It does no good if someone gets redemption from someone else or society at large if they still harbor negative thoughts or feelings inside.  

Can any act of evil be redeemed?  If the act ended in the taking of another life, it gets complicated.  Even that has “degrees” of evil. If you did something to someone but it did not kill them but left deep emotional scars that had a large impact on their life, is that just as evil?  A drunk driver could kill someone and that may be viewed as an evil act. The drunk’s intent was not to kill, it was just a consequence.  Someone who premediates a murder needs to be viewed differently.  That has differences too.  If someone did something heinous to your child, and you went out and killed that person, which is premediated murder, are you as evil as that person? I don’t think so.  You also did not allow that person a chance for redemption.  You also have to face consequences for that action.  You may get forgiveness and redemption from many and you may feel “better” for doing it, but you may also have to live life in prison.  No parent should have to face that choice.

Redemption is challenging especially if you are helping someone to redeem themselves for something they did to you or someone you know.  A lot of people would disagree with you for helping. That is their issue not yours.  If helping an evil person in redemption helps you, then that is all that counts.  I am not sure I would have the strength or character or help that person.  I don’t want to find out.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

8 Aug 2018 How Much Pain Tolerance Do You Have?

How Much Pain Tolerance Do You Have?

Or, should I title it How Much Discomfort Can You Tolerate?  Though pain does have levels of severity, nobody can tolerate once it gets to a certain point, nobody.  However, discomfort is a different stressor.  Maybe discomfort is the low levels of pain?  A lot of people can go years in discomfort.  Sooner or later that discomfort ups the level of stress on the body which in turn increases pain.  

To me, the emotional discomforts are more damaging than the physical ones. There are many pain medications for the physical side.  Although, those can have their own negative consequences.   However, on the emotional side the “pain relief” is not something you pick up at the pharmacy.  The relief is in the form of conversations you need to have.  Asking or answering uncomfortable questions.  Some of these have to be done with yourself which is hard enough.  But when you have to do it with another person, then it gets even more difficult.

I was a master at avoiding having those conservations with people.  In that avoidance I was hurting myself but more than that I was hurting the other person.  Brutal honesty and telling what I really feel I kept that inside.  Even worse, I would lie and say things the other person wanted to hear.  In my mixed-up way of thinking, I did not want to hurt that person.  So, I avoided the short-term discomfort to solve the issues and continued on with long term discomfort.  That’s a great strategy for success. 

I have the ability to withstand discomfort for a long time if it meant avoidance of needed conversations.   I am working on fixing this.  It will improve my life as well as those around me.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

7 Aug 2018 What Country Would You Live In For A Year?

What Country Would You Live In For A Year?

I lived in Australia for a year during my teens years.  I always thought I would go back there and live again. Have not done that.   Though I would still like to do an extended visit there, I would rather go somewhere I could learn a foreign language.  

Florence Italy has always held my interest.   I thought a lot about Jerusalem.  I visited there a couple of times and came away with a special feeling.  I never felt any less secure there than any place else. Spain has some fantastic cities and beach towns that would be great to live in.  I will visit these places again, but not to live.

After a lot of thought and reading books and articles, Iran is the country I would most like to go live for a year. It’s long history and as part of the Silk Road transportation network for centuries has always been of great interest to me. Though it’s recent history and representation in the media is generally not positive, it still is a large country with a vast culture and the population whose ancestors for millennia have been traders. It is beautiful country especially up north. I look more at the positives the country has to offer than the negatives. I wouldn’t stay in one spot like the city of Teheran but would try extended periods in several areas. The goal would be to have conversational fluency with the language. As to writing and reading it, anything in those areas would just be extra.

As to when I will be able to do this, that is a challenge I still can’t define. It is not just a dream and as such will begin to set milestones and a plan of action to obtain.

Monday, August 6, 2018

6 Aug 2018 Are You Confident?

Are You Confident?

Confidence was a trait that eluded me for a long time.  I now look at things much differently. I know what I am capable of doing and that the only obstacle is me.  That was not the case in my youth.  I was sure I was not smart enough or good enough to succeed.  In contact sports I played not to get hurt vice being aggressive. In school I never I thought I could be in the “smart people” group.  

When I was in flight school in the Navy I didn’t think I would make it through.  Each stage I would do well, but I still had doubts.  Then, I looked at the guys ahead of me and saw they were not different and they were getting through.  This helped, and I gained more confidence as the time went on. 

When I left the Navy and got into the business world I had the same challenges. I was passive because I didn’t think I had the talent to excel.  But I also realized I wasn’t doing everything I could to get more skills.  I was not studying to get ahead or putting myself out there to gain more experience.  I was holding myself back.  I thought if I made I mistake I would be laughed at.  It did not dawn on me that just about any mistake I made when selling to someone would be quickly forgot by them.  They would not waste their time thinking about what I did.  

Today, I know I can accomplish anything if I put the work in.  Nothing is going to just drop in my lap.  If I need to learn a new a skill, I can do it.  I also have to get out there and practice.  If I make a mistake, learn from it and move on. No need to dwell on it or especially agonize about it.   Most importantly, there are no internal obstacles in my way. Better late than never in gaining confidence.