When Do You Need To Look Out For Yourself?
When a relationship ends does it always have to be one wins and one loses? Can you part ways where both sides feel that they were treated fairly? Neither side ever gets one half of everything. If you add all that was divided between two parties it’s still is less than the original amount. The two parties combined are greater as a whole than in any division of it.
At what point do you have to look out for your own interests? I am not saying be totally selfish but realize that you have a life to continue with. This is a tough one especially if the breakup of the relationship is not ugly. Each wants the other to have the opportunity to continue on with a good life. Do you need to set a date in the future when you are truly done with the relationship? I don’t mean this in the sense you have no communication with the other person but more in the financial obligations to each other.
Look, breaking up of any relationship takes an emotional toll. Even in the best of circumstances when you still have great feelings for each other. Can’t two people continue to live together as great friends after they have been married if that is the best near-term solution? Or is it better to just make the break and start living separately? These are not easy questions to answer. There is no right or wrong way to proceed or at least I don’t think there is. But there are others who believe there is an absolute right way to proceed. It all depends if each is completely honest and open with the other person. You can’t be guided by what others think. Get all the options out there. Discuss the pros and cons of each. Agree to a path forward and move on. That is the best way I feel to proceed in this situation.