Sunday, May 27, 2018

27 May 2018 How Would You Improve Productivity At Work?

How Would You Improve Productivity At Work?

I bet most people can name a number of ways to improve productivity at their work.  My workplace is the typical cubicle farm.  Not the half height ones where you can see everyone, but still open so you can hear everyone.   

The first change I would do is to provide small private offices that people can schedule in order to have a quiet surrounding. This is critical if “deep work” is to get accomplished.  There are far too many interruptions that make concentrated work periods difficult. Even a two-hour uninterrupted block will get as much productivity as a regular work day.

Another reality is that people “shoot the breeze” a great deal.  Now I know that banter within the workplace has a place and is positive, however, some of the conversations go on for more than 30 mins.

The smokers also take extended breaks.  Some of the heavy ones are down every hour or 90 minutes.  That adds up during the day.

I do laugh at people who say that they work hard at our space.  The environment is very laid back.  People come and go as they wish.  Everyone has every other Friday off and the Friday’s that half of the people are supposed to be there have a very quiet day.  I want people to go work for a year in the Pentagon and they will have such a greater appreciation of just how easy it is where we are.   The Pentagon is a soul sucking place that is a fast-paced treadmill that never stops.  There is no work-life balance.  Victories are rare in the Pentagon.  

My workplace can do some small changes to increase productivity.  The work-life balance is strong.  The pace is easy.  Yes, like any organization it has its annoying aspects, but all-in-all it sure beats life in the Pentagon. 


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