Tuesday, May 1, 2018

1 May 2018 What Is The One Mistake You Want Back?

What Is The One Mistake You Want Back?

Yes, you can’t change the past and rarely is there value is looking over past actions.  However, I thought I would take this time to reflect on my biggest mistakes.  If I could only change one of them, what would it be?

I do have quite the list to choose from. One could argue that not all were mistakes but just decisions that set your life down a different path. Plus, there are affects of a decision that may be viewed as a mistake but led to other things that were great positives.  For example, I could say I should not have got married the first time because I was not emotionally ready for it.  However, if I had waited there is a great chance I would not have married and then I would not have my daughter today and that would be unbearable.  Though I failed at the marriage, I have an incredible daughter from it.    

I can look back and see the crossroads in life my choices have taken me. Sometimes you don’t see the immediate impact and it takes months or years to come about, other times you know right away. 

My big mistake was not applying myself in college.  My dad worked his ass off so I could enjoy a “full ride” from him. I had the aptitude but not the attitude. I spent a lot of time in library reading anything and everything.  That in itself was a positive but it came at the expense of academics.  I did the minimum, just barely.  That choice had large impacts down the road for future work.  I did graduate in 4 years with a business degree.  I wish I had applied myself and got a math or engineering degree. That is the one big mistake I wish I could have changed.

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