Sunday, May 20, 2018

20 May 2018 Is An Embassy Location A Big Deal?

Is An Embassy Location A Big Deal?

There is a lot of controversy about the US embassy in Israel moving to Jerusalem. This a big deal because it officially recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.   The Palestinian people also claim it as their “capital.” 

I have always felt that the Old City of Jerusalem should be a United Nations controlled site and not owned by a specific country due to the sensitivities involved.  The Old City contains the holiest site for Christians and Jews and the 3rdholiest site for Islam.  Now the Old City is a really small piece of real estate within greater Jerusalem.  We are talking about a square kilometer in size (about 220 acres).  In fact, until 1860 the Old City was the total size of Jerusalem.  But this small piece of real estate has been center of wars and disputes for millennium.  

I have also felt that what happened in the past, especially centuries ago, has no relevance today.  Just because the Israeli people had a “capital” in Jerusalem when they “owned” the land over two thousand years ago does not mean they are owed it today.     

The move of the US embassy was a big deal, however, I feel the outrage of the Palestinians with this move can be mitigated if a Palestinian State can come to fruition. Especially if the Old City can be owned by no one and free access is offered to everyone.   

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