Monday, May 14, 2018

14 May 2018 Do You Read?

Do You Read?

Reading has been one of the favorite things I do since I was a teenager. Before my senior year in high school I did not read books.  Newspapers and magazines, yes, but a book no.  I have a vivid memory of reading 2001 A Space Odyssey in sixth grade.  I can’t remember reading any other book for several years. I was never a science fiction fan so I did not get into those books in my youth. 

When I was 17 I really became interested in books.  I still had a large interest in newspapers and current event magazines, but most of my time was spent lost in a book.  History and biographies have always been in rotation but also a lot of fiction by Robert Ludlum and Fredrick Forsyth.  

A few years ago I began listening to audio books during time in the car, on airplanes and working out.  It is not quite the same as reading but it does allow me to use the time ore effectively. 

Today, podcasts compete with my reading time. I have to be careful in getting sucked into the podcast world too far.  It is easy to listen to a lot of those.  

I get my most joy with holding a book in my hands.  I could recommend many books or authors but I found that peoples tastes vary so much that what I like others may not.  

I want people to go a local bookstore and just take in the environment. Walking amongst the shelves looking over the vast number of titles is a great experience. Try out something that catches your eye, but do read.  You will be rewarded in so many ways.     

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