Wednesday, May 16, 2018

16 May 2018 Why So Much Hate In Politics?

Why So Much Hate In Politics?

I have written before on this but it still needs to be discussed.  Why has politics become so corrosive?  It is like battle lines are drawn between the two parties. Woe be it to the politician who is friends with or acts friendly to someone in the other party.  They aren’t the enemy.  Do you really feel someone who has different political views than you is so bad for the country that you hate them?  What does that say about you and the country?

Our country is great because we have diverse views. It is a critical part of what makes our democracy work.  Group think would be the eventual death of the country.  

People would have a much better view of Congress if the members worked together in order to create legislation.  That does not mean they can’t have differences.  It means they have respectful debate.  That they have and follow a process where each side presents their case.  You can’t have the majority ram stuff through just as you can’t have tyranny of the minority.   That is the minority can block everything.  Compromise is what makes things work.  The majority is never the majority for ever so they should act and respect the minority.  

The attack ads used during the campaigns also go a long way to poison the political process.  You can disagree with someone’s politics, but to personally disparage the opponent is bad. To me it says a lot a lot about the character of the person or organization running the attack ads.  If the only way you can defend your political views is by attacking the other guy, then you must not be qualified to hold the office.  Make the case why you are better and not just because the other person is not.    

I don’t see the climate improving in politics until a viable third party is established.  To me, that is the only way to get things to improve.  Until then, we will have politicians who are more concerned about scoring political points vice legislating for a better county.      

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