Friday, May 11, 2018

11 May 2018 What Is The Value Of A Life Coach?

What Is The Value Of A Life Coach?

Now the term life coach can have a lot baggage associated with it.  However, it is a profession just like any other. There are good people at it and others who should not be in it. Each coach brings unique skills and perspectives. Just like all athletic coaches have different styles and approaches.

When I was younger, the idea of a life coach seemed liked a joke.  You really needed someone to help you do stuff? As I gained more knowledge of the role of a life coach the more I came to see the value in it.

You have a coach/trainer at the health club.  You have a “coach”/minister for your spiritual life.   You may even have a coach/mentor at work. So why not a life coach?  Though it is important to define the difference between a coach and mentor.  At times, a mentor makes choices for you because he/she knows what is best for you. A life coach provides the structure or process, so you can find the choices but does not make the choice.

I think life coaching should be introduced in high school and definitely offered as an option as a course last semester in college.   

If I knew then what I know now, I would have engaged with a life coach at various times during my adult life, say every five years.  If for no other reason than to have an accountability person in my life. 

I am a strong advocate for life coaches.  However, people need to spend time with a few to find out who is a good fit.  This person can have a major impact on your life so you want to make sure it is a positive one. Getting the right life coach is one of the most important decisions you can make.  

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