Monday, May 21, 2018

21 May 2018 Why Is There Still A Royal Family In England?

Why Is There Still A Royal Family In England?

If there is one thing that is way out of date is the need for a royal family in England.  Yes they have a history that can be traced back a thousand years, but so what?  They have no real power.  At best they are there for the tourism.  

So why do the Brits continue with the upkeep of having a royal family.  I think most do not have any thoughts of them being in any way superior.  The prestige of royalty has been fading for half a century.  What have they earned?  The same can said for children of rich people (i.e. Pairis Hilton).  But, royalty in England is on a whole different scale. The vast amount of land owned and castles puts them in a league of their own.  

Some of the royals try to live “normal” lives.  Prince Harry was in the military and served overseas just like anyone else.  He is marrying a “commoner” from the US.  In fact, the differences between the in-laws has probably never been so great.  Though he is just a normal guy, his standard of living is beyond most people’s comprehension.  

Now the life of a royal in England is not always fun.  They are hounded by the press.  They have untold official functions they have to attend to.  The idea of privacy in public is just not going to happen. A lot of people may think they would want to trade places, but after a while would probably prefer to go back to normal life.

Slowly the concept of a royal family will fade.  It just serves no purpose.  The castles can become museums to show life of an earlier time.   Though I enjoy the history of the royal family in England, I would want it to go away if I lived there.  Make the royal family earn their keep like everyone else.

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