Tuesday, May 15, 2018

15 May 2018 What Does Minimize Mean To You?

What Does Minimize Mean To You? 

There are a lot of books, podcasts and websites that deal with living a minimalist life.  As with any lifestyle, two people can interpret what that means in very different ways. 

I look at as it as having what you need to live with a little of what you want. Now my needs are different someone else’s.  Some of the things that are important to me are having a space in my home I can go to when I want to be alone.  I rarely watch tv.  My wife watches it constantly, it is what she enjoys and counts as a need.  It is not a need of mine.  I love and need quiet.  I get a great sense of calm in silence.

I am reducing the number of clothes I have.  I donated several large bags of clothes that I knew I was not going to wear again.  Same with shoes, I have reduced that a lot too.  I would be comfortable wearing the same clothes to work each day.  It would make getting dressed that much easier.

I like eating out at least once on the weekend.  That is one of the wants I have because it is not a need.  I also like to splurge and go to the movie theater every now then vice waiting until it comes out for tv.

There are some travel needs/wants.  I try to go to Australia at least every 2 years.  I want to see some more of US.  For a long time, I wanted to live out of a suitcase and roam the world, however, that desire has diminished.  I am now happy to go on shorter trips.

My material possessions are going down.  I still have too much stuff.  It is an on- going project.  It is a great feeling to purge the house of stuff.  It will remain a “battle” between my wife and I on what constitutes as needed and wanted.  Slowly but surely, I will get to a minimalist level I want.  I recommend you try it too. 

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