Friday, May 25, 2018

25 May 2018 Why Are There Separation Of Powers?

Why Are There Separation Of Powers?

The framers of the Constitution made a conscience effort to ensure that no one sector of the Federal government could run the country with impunity.  Each area, President, Congress and the Judiciary have certain powers.  Even Congress is broken up so that each state has a voice no matter the population.  

Today those powers are tested with the way President Trump views things.  He would like to think that he has imperial powers and that everyone should do as he pleases.  The country is in a much better place because the other two branches do not do as he wants. 

The President has shown a complete lack of knowledge of the Constitution.  For someone who claims he is smart, he has shown over and over how ignorance can “trump” intelligence.  His intelligence can and should be questioned when he tries to dictate how another branch of government should operate. 

Congress has shown itself to lack intelligence.  It can’t do its number one job which is to fund the federal government.  When it does pass a budget, it won’t make the hard choices to have that budget be balanced. Intelligent people make the hard choices.  Those who lack the intellectual capacity to do that hide behind party line and bureaucracy.

At times, the Judiciary is not a shining example either.  There are judges who try to make laws vice just interrupt ones that exist.  They are held in check by further reviews up the judicial chain and by updated laws from Congress.   

I am glad we have the separation of powers within the Federal government.  Though I am not happy with the results that are produced, at least the system allows for oversight of each.

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