Saturday, May 26, 2018

26 May 2018 Does Either Party Matter?

Does Either Party Matter?

Does it really matter what party is in power? Where has any one party that had the majorities done well?  What seems worse is when one party holds one chamber of Congress or the Office of the President.  This has shown to be gridlock. 

No one wants to compromise to do best for the country.   So, we have two political parties that act the same when either is in the minority or majority.  I have not been energized by either party because each makes grand promises and then the reality of gridlock kicks in.

The Republicans had a great opportunity to craft legislation in the manner they wanted.  What has that got us? Very little.  They will claim the tax cut is a great achievement, but at what cost?  Yes, the short term may bring some positives but the debt they added by that legislation is staggering.  I never want to hear a current member of Congress from the Republican party say that they are fiscally conservative.  There is no way they can say that and be honest.   Also, they have to show they can fund the federal government on time.  It is all on their shoulders.  They can lead or whine about “obstructionist Democrats.”  Funny, the same charge the Dems labeled them when the Democrats were in the majority.   

Is there an end in sight?  Maybe.  A charismatic LEADER could make things happen.  I use the term charismatic to mean someone who gets a coalition of both sides to come together to legislate, not to mean their appearance or speaking ability.  Results count, all else is BS.  Will that person have flaws, of course?  There is no perfect leader.  I just want someone to lead and legislate.  If all they do is get a balanced budget done on time each year, that would be a monumental achievement. Anything else would be extra.  

I hope we find that leader for the next election. 

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