Is Trump Too Smart?
I mean this is a derogatory manner. Trump truly believes he a smart guy. He does not like briefings from people who do know what they are talking about because he relies on his instincts. When you are ignorant but don’t know it, things can get screwed up real fast.
He was advised to not change NAFTA, but he knew better.
He was advised to stay in The Trans Pacific Partnership, but he knew better.
He was advised to not break the Iran Nuclear deal, but he knew better.
He was advised not to congratulate Putin on his “election victory,” but he knew better.
He has nothing positive to show for his “better knowledge.” It is not that he has better knowledge, just a bigger ego. His ego is so fragile that he can’t ever be thought of as a loser or weak.
So, we have a President whose has a fragile ego and is not as smart as he thinks. I usually would be ok with this due to Congress being able to help keep him in check. Or at least the Vice President and some of his staff. However, after 16 months in office I see no backbone from Congress. In fact, I see devotion to someone who shows loyalty to anyone. As to the VP, he is a lap dog at best to the President. I used to respect the Chief of Staff, John Kelly, but he obviously condones everything Trump has done because he is still in his job.
I wish there was a positive in the future to look forward to until the next Presidential election, but that won’t be the case. President Trump will continue his way of doing things no matter advice he is given. What is worse is the people who condone and assist him with that approach. It is sad to see people sell their souls, but that is the choice they made. Would love to hear how they explain that to their kids and grandkids. I never want to hear anyone of them talk about integrity unless it is to point how they gave theirs up.