Friday, March 9, 2018

9 Mar 2018 What Will Happen? Part 3

What Do You Think Is Going To Happen Part 3?

I would like to look at where I think certain events may happen in the US. I believe Pres. Trump Will be a one term president. For someone who identifies himself as a great dealmaker, he has done anything but that. His “management style” is not conducive to the political realities of Washington DC. He tends to forget that he is President for the entire United States and not just a third of the people he calls his base. He has ignited the youth and women of the country. The question is will they carry that energy to the ballot box. The big change would be if the Republicans lost control of the Senate. This would pose a great challenge to any judicial nominee including the Supreme Court. The Republicans would rather hold onto the Senate then the House because of that major issue. Justice Ginsberg would have retired a year ago if Hillary Clinton had won. Now she is just hanging on hoping to last until the 2020 election. She is 85 years old. I would not want any Supreme Court justice past the age of 75. I do think Pres. Trump will get two more Supreme Court nominees in his first term. This would be his lasting legacy.

Every president is tested with some International crisis. It appears that North Korea could be Pres. Trump’s. But, I believe in the end that will not turn into a military exchange.

There will be a catastrophic failure of some major bridge or highway overpass due to neglect of funding infrastructure upkeep. This will energize Congress to finally come together put the resources necessary to rebuild.

The next 12 months Pres. Trump will lose several key staff and cabinet members. He will not be able to attract quality people because they do not want to be tarnished for working under him. He demands loyalty but shows none.

The Democratic Party will have a reckoning between it Progressive wing and the centrists. It could prove to be very damaging during the 2020 primary process as the attack on each side will be vicious. The challenge for the Democrats will be if the major donors don’t support a progressive candidate. That divide is growing all the time. A progressive candidate will be competitive for the Presidency just not for the 2020 election.

Both parties have to address if the candidate is not in lockstep on two critical issues that is abortion and gun control. They can’t be so rigid that they would exclude an outstanding candidate on all other issues if her/she deviated from the platform. Republicans are more likely to support the candidate who has pro-choice views then the Democrats supporting one who has pro-life views.

In 5 to 10 years the traditional student loan financing for college we’ll be completely overhauled. We can’t have a generation of people who have the equivalent of a mortgage payment for 15 to 20 years after college.

Lastly, I believe Pres. Trump maybe the last white male president for several elections.

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