Monday, March 5, 2018

5 Mar 2028 How Long To Fix Something From History

How Long To Fix Something From History?

I have thought about how long we should try to fix something that happened in the past.  The creation of the State of Israel came to mind.  For centuries, Jewish people held out for a return to a land they called their own, Israel.  The problem was and is, millions of Arabs also call the same land home.  In the late 1940’s, the UN decided to carve out a piece of Palestine and give it to Jewish people, it became Israel.  It may sound cynical, but the Holocaust of World War II did a lot to spur action on getting a homeland for Jews.  On one hand it may have given land to a people who have faced discrimination and slaughter for millennia, but it also caused large issues that we deal with today.  

If the Jewish people deserved land to call home what about the Kurdish people?  Kurds are the largest group of people who do not have their own homeland.  They are the majority of people in northern Iraq.  They have been the driving force to eliminate Al-Queda and ISIS from Iraq and Syria.  Turkey will use all its might to prevent the creation of a “Kurdistan.”  This is due to the fact that vast parts of southeast Turkey have large Kurdish populations.  Turkey does not want a Kurdish homeland on its border. But, it is the right thing to do.

In the US, there have proposals on and off for decades on providing reparations for slavery.  Reparations should have been provided in the 1860’s and 70’s.  Blacks Americans live with issues of racism, not slavery.  This may be a nuanced point of view since a lot of blacks think racism is just a different form of slavery.  I don’t believe there can be an equitable way to pay reparations for slavery or racism.  We need to deal with the racism, not just pay some monetary amount for it.   

The American Indian population was dealt wrongly by the “invaders.”  Many civilizations have been overrun by other groups throughout history.  However, the US government made treaties with all the Indian tribes and then broke those treatises when it was in their interest.  This is an issue we need to address today. The Indian tribes were defeated like many other civilizations; however, their treatment has not been fair or correct.  

At the personal level, how long should you go back to right something you did wrong?  This is very subjective and what was the level of “wrong” you did.  You would not go right something just to make yourself feel better.  You would do it if it would help the person(s) you wronged.  You may not be forgiven by him/her but hope that it helps them close bring closure to the issue.  If it helps you, that is a by-product but shouldn’t be the goal.

It is important for a country and an individual to reflect on the wrongs done in the past and try to rectify or mitigate damage that was done.  

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