Saturday, March 10, 2018

10 Mar 2018 Why Is The Catholic Church Afraid Of Women And Sex?

Why Is the Catholic Church Afraid Of Women And Sex?

A few centuries ago the Catholic church had its reformation. Where for the most part it became just a religious part of society and not the governmental to. However, one area where their policy is still in the Middle Ages is that of women in leadership positions and Priest and Nuns having the option to have sex as part of their lives.

In the church hierarchy women are second-class citizens. You can’t be in the club unless you’re a man. Oh, they will let you be a nun and lead a celibate life but make policy and decide who gets to be promoted, no. The College of Cardinals is the supreme body that runs the Catholic Church. Throughout history this group has shown its ability to make less than “Christian” decisions. I would like to hear their arguments as to why allowing women to be part of that hierarchy would cause great harm to the institution. It is amusing that if it was a business either public or private, to maintain such a position would come under a lot of negative scrutiny by the government and the press. The Roman Catholic church whose net worth would probably put it in the Fortune 10 and have a tax exempt status in the US can maintain this out right discrimination solely because they claim to be a religious organization. If you don’t think the Catholic church is big business, you aren’t looking.

Another area where the church remained rooted in the past is not allowing any sexual activities for Priests and Nuns. We know this has led to serious misconduct on the part of some priests. The church was all too happy cover up this behavior. I would also like to hear the arguments from the church on why this policy has improved people in its organization. The funny thing is the church has no problem with priests and nuns drinking excessive alcohol or being chain smokers but having an intimate contact would be a catastrophe.

I am not a big fan of the Catholic Church due to the hypocrisy of its policies. Has it done any good in history, of course. But it’s still in the dark ages when it comes two women and sex.

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