Thursday, March 22, 2018

22 Mar 2018 Why Is Marijuana Not Legal At The Federal Level?

Why Is Marijuana Not Legal At The Federal Level?

Many states are legalizing marijuana for personal use.  However, the federal government remains strongly opposed to this.  They argue that allowing marijuana to be legal would be a gateway to more serious drugs.  That makes no sense.  If we were to follow that logic, beer should not be legal because it would lead to higher alcohol proof drinking. 

The statistics are overwhelming that alcohol and tobacco should be banned due to the number of deaths it brings each year. How can any person in Congress justify alcohol at tobacco but not marijuana?

The amount of revenue that would come from legalizing marijuana would be significant. There would be a proportional decrease in crime also. In fact, anyone in prison today for marijuana convictions should be released.

The number of deaths associated with alcohol is an order of magnitude higher and that of marijuana. I have no idea I Congress you so afraid of marijuana what’s so supportive of alcohol when the statistics say a different story.

The hypocrisy of Congress on marijuana is incredible. I believe if you were to take a poll of people under the age of 30 the vast majority with support legalization. And majority over the age of 30 may supported too.  The medical benefits of marijuana are well-known for cancer patients to reduce the nausea from chemotherapy.

The federal government has set up a situation where a person in a state where marijuana is illegal would be fired from the federal job if they tested positive for it. That seems really stupid. So, your state says it’s okay to use marijuana but the federal government says we will fire you if you use it.

I don’t know if I would use marijuana if it were legal. But I have no problem with anyone else using. Perhaps we need a few more years to get rid of the old guys in Congress so the more rational thinking people can come in to right this wrong.

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