Who’s Afraid Of The NRA?
One of the most disturbing things
about the resent Florida shooting is it appears that very little will be done
in terms of changes to gun laws. The Florida legislature has basically given
the middle finger to the students who have massed in protest in Tallahassee.
Pres. Trump is also not leading on this. He may make a statement here and there
but, in the end, he is not demanding strict gun background checks from Congress.
The NRA have given several speeches
since the Florida shooting and have been very direct in their opposition to any
legislation that may curb gun purchases. They almost act like they are in
complete control of legislative bodies. The legislative bodies appear to be so
afraid of the NRA that they will do nothing.
I can’t understand why anybody is
afraid of the NRA. Their demographic is dwindling. Though their supporters are
very vocal, at the ballot box their strength is going down. You don’t have to
support the NRA to be a defender of the second amendment.
From some of the statements of the
NRA, their positions are in the extreme. The NRA believes that the youth maybe
protesting today but when it comes time to vote they won’t show up. This has
been how it has worked in the past. Will the events of the Florida shooting
galvanize the youth vote to come out in record numbers to support candidates
who have views that are in line with theirs? I certainly hope so.
The NRA used to be an organization
that championed gun safety and courses to support that. Today it has become a
lobbying behemoth that threatens any politician who does not tow their line.
I have lost all respect for the NRA.
They have no respect for the dead children in school students. Their speeches
and actions attest to this. We can’t even have civil dialogue on gun control
without the NRA using twisted speech to say that any gun control will lead to
the government taking everyone’s guns at some time in the future. The scare
tactics are used to excite their base. But it won’t succeed.
I will not support any candidate or
politician in office who has turned their backs on the dead kids from the
Florida shooting. This issue is not going to go away. I will not let this issue
go away.
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