Friday, March 16, 2018

16 Mar 2018 What If Nothing Happens For Gun Control?

What If Nothing Happens For Gun Control?

People have short memories for a lot of tragedies.  After the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting there were calls for gun control.  After the latest Florida shootings there are calls for gun control.  For the most part, politicians who take money from the NRA try a “wait it out” strategy.  After a few weeks the national news on the issue dies down.  How much do you hear about the Las Vegas massacre today?  Only a few events maintain a lasting news cycle, Sep 11 being one of them.   The school shootings, a few days of non-stop news them it starts to faded.  Of course this is at the national level.  On the local level it can go on for a long time.  However, the local level is not where the policy is made. 

Politicians at the state and national level will give lip service to gun control but in the end will do all they can to maintain status quo because that is what the NRA wants. That may sound cynical but it is how things have gone to date.  There is tremendous energy by the youth at the Florida High School to impact change. So far, their efforts have not driven the Florida Legislature to change much. 

Gun control should be a big issue for the mid-term elections in November.  It will interesting to see if it is and how many people are elected who support strong gun control.  The NRA has its war chest to oppose any and all who even use the word gun control.  It is time to fight the NRA on sensible gun laws.  Or, we just accept the slaughter of kids in school as just a part of a “free” society and the 2nd amendment.    

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