Saturday, March 24, 2018

24 Mar 2018 Is Prison For Punishment Or Rehabilitation?

Is Prison For Punishment Or Rehabilitation?

They debate has existed for a long time about the role of prisons.  Should its function be to punish the prisoner or provide the environment for rehabilitation?  To me it depends on the crime.  For violent crimes, I would have it be “hard time.”  I define that as how a prisoner in a supermax prison lives.  That is locked down for 23 and ½ hours today in a solitary cell with no communication ability with other prisoners.  He would get a ½ an hour outdoors in a limited area.  In the cell he would have no technology (e.g tv, stereo, etc.).  He could have books and writing tools.  

I would not have life sentences.  After 5 years in a supermax facility, a determination could be made to see if a prisoner could begin learning a trade.  He would still remain at the facility but would be allowed to be out of his cell for 4 hours a day to learn/work at a trade.  After ten years in the trade, a review could be conducted to see if the prisoner could be released to a half-way house. He would spend 5 years in a half-way house and then could be released.  If you don’t think supermax is hard time, try to spend a weekend in a large closet with silence. 

If the prisoner has any issues during this process, a review can be done to see if he goes back and starts the clock over again.  Locking someone up for life serves no purpose.  If the crime was bad enough, give the death sentence.

For non-violent crimes, prisoners need to be in the trade learning tract from the start.  I would also maintain the non-tech side of the confinement.  Books and writing ok, no tv or stereo.  There would be mini-supemax capability there to send prisoners for short periods of time to let them know what will happen if they continue down a lawless path.   

Once a person completes his time for non-violent crimes, his record is sealed.  He does not have to say he is a convicted felon.  It is only brought up if further judicial proceedings happen.  If the person is convicted again (for non-violent crime), he spends 6 months in supermax conditions before back into regular prison.  Multiple convictions can lead to a supermax sentence.

I believe prison should be half punishment half rehab.  We should try to give the person the opportunity and hope that release is possible.  If there is no chance to get out, that person has nothing to live for and every reason to be violent.

I am not sure there is a compromised way to deal with convicted people.  People have strong opinions on it.  Either prison has to be hell or it has to be a rehab like environment. 

Maintaining what we have now is not working.

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