Monday, January 8, 2018

8 Jan 2018 Why Is TV Bad For You?

Why Is TV Bad For You?

It may seem harsh to use the word bad to refer to viewing TV.  Anything in moderation is not bad.  However,  the average person does not moderate their TV viewing.   It is designed to suck you in to watch one show and then the next.  Before you know it you could have spent 3 to 4 hours watching.  The trouble with this is TV is a passive activity.  For the most part it does not improve your life.  Yes, there are many shows that are educational and entertaining.  But those shows are in the minority.  I am not anti-TV. It is the amount of TV that I am against.  What if someone says, “but I just enjoy watching TV.”  I can understand there are situations where someone’s work is very stressful and their time commitments do their children.  TV is an opportunity for them to relax.  This is most applicable to single parents.  I would offer that a good book provides a de-stress time as well.  Reading a book is not a totally passive activity. A book can take your mind off of the challenges of day-to-day life as well as entertaining you and educating you. 

A lot of TV shows, especially scripted reality ones, do not represent the best that TV can offer. They rarely offer a positive message. I know a lot of people would say the same about very popular shows.   That they are not supposed to have any message but are there to entertain.  This is a very subjective topic.  What I may view is totally useless time in front of the TV, another person may get enjoyment out of it.

My point is that time, your time, is valuable.  Do you want to waste your time just watching TV?  You should never be able to say that you did not have time to do something if you chose to watch TV.  There has to be something you’ve always wanted to do but said you didn’t have the time for it.  Take a look at how much time you spend watching TV. Then ask yourself is it really the best use of your time? You may very well say it is, and that is okay. It may appear that I am judging people who choose to watch TV. That is not my intent. I just want to make people aware of how TV can suck them in. It is very much like cruising the Internet, playing video games or watching YouTube videos. You can start those and pretty soon you have consumed a significant amount of time.

I do watch some TV. I enjoy watching a football game or movie and the occasional TV series. However, I am very judicious with the time I do spend watching TV. I also know it is a trade-off from doing some other activity that may be better for me. I would be okay with eliminating the TV from the house. However, that would be very selfish of me. Just because I would be okay with it does not mean other members in the house would feel the same way. They are more than welcome to watch what they want when they want. If I want to sit and watch I can, but most of the time I go to another part of the house and do what I enjoy. It works well in my household and we all get to do what want to do. That is the most important thing.

I still recommend that one night a week you give reading a book chance.  It will be well worth your time.

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