Sunday, January 7, 2018

7 Jan 2018 Why Do You Like Politics?

Why Do You Like Politics?

I have a lot of respect for politicians, Especially first term politicians.   Each chose to serve in public office.   For politicians at the national level, it is a daunting proposition.   You offer your entire past, personal as well as professional, up to deep scrutiny.   Not only yourself but your entire family, close and extended.   If a distant relative did something wrong, it will be tied to your name.   No longer is a person’s position on topics the most important thing.  Now, any little blemish from your past will be magnified.   How many of you would put your whole history and your families under a microscope?   Not only under a microscope, but it will be published online and in print.  

What happens in Las Vegas stays in Vegas?   Not a chance if you are a politician.   Nothing will be private.  

Next let’s talk about the pay that our congressmen and senators receive.   I hear all the time how overpaid they are.   Most have to maintain two residences, one in their home state and one in Washington DC.   I have lived in the DC area.   It is expensive to live there.   Especially if you talk about a home for a family and not just a crash pad.  

 The framers of the Constitution did not think that Congress would be a full time  in the sense of the politician having to live in Washington DC the vast majority of the time.  The federal bureaucracy is so large that it now requires the politician to be there almost year round.

The saying goes you get what you pay for is very appropriate.   People in congress run a “business,” if I can put it in those terms, that is over $2 trillion.   Why wouldn’t we want to attract the best people to run it, and compensate them accordingly?   I would have no problem tripling the pay of the elected officials in Congress.   However, I would have two conditions to it.   One would be there is no retirement package.   That is, a Congress person could fund a 401(k), no matching, and nothing else.   No lifetime medical insurance either.   Second is term limits.   I would make a House of Representative candidate pledge to run for three 2 year terms.   A senator for one six-year term.   And that’s it for their lifetime.   The president can only do two terms, why should a person from Congress not have a limit? 

 At the start I said I had a lot of respect for first term politicians.   Once in the system, it is so weighted in the incumbents favor that I don’t consider it an achievement to get reelected.

 I have even more respect for people who run and lose.   At least each tried and didn’t just bitch. 

Being a politician is a no-win proposition.  Every piece of legislation that they vote for has winners and losers.  That’s just how it goes.  Everyone is a special interest in one way or another.  With every special interest there is a lobbying group that bombards every politician stating why they should support or not support a certain bill.  The lobbying group that loses makes sure that the people back in congresspersons district are aware of the “major” mistake the politician made.   

 Unfortunately politicians need money to get elected.  They get that money from various lobby organizations as well as the people in their district.  It is a constant demand on the politician’s time that has to be done outside of “normal working” hours.   People don’t understand that politicians don’t have nights and weekends off.   This is no surprise to politicians of the demands on their time, however a lot of people think it is an easy job. If it were easy there would be multitudes of people running for office.  But that is not the case.

 Democracy is messy.  No one individual or political party gets what they want all the time.  Compromise has to be viewed as a way to get things done and not as caving to one’s principles.  I admire the individual who has strong convictions but also wants to make the system work. 

 Not everyone can be a politician.  It takes certain skill sets just like any other business.  Someone who is successful in the business or professional world may not be a good politician.  Likewise, someone who is a skilled politician may fail miserably in the private sector.

I enjoy the political process.  I enjoy the debate on issues.  I want all sides to be heard so that a politician can make an informed decision.   It is critical for our democracy that politicians have an open mind on issues and are willing to change their position if more information is present.

It is also important in our democracy that there is no tierney of the minority.  That is a small group can hold hostage the entire process.  Likewise, the majority cannot railroad through legislation without open debate to allow for minority views.

It is very easy to point out the imperfections of the political process and democracy in the US.  However, I know of no other system that is better and for all its flaws which there are some they are minor compared to the overwhelmingly positive aspects of it.

That is why I like politics.

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