Thursday, January 25, 2018

25 Jan 2018 Should There Be An Official National Language

Should the USA have an official language?

That may sound rhetorical since English is assumed to be that language.  The USA is a very diverse nation.  Within that diversity is a multitude of languages.  However, I believe that a single language is the unifying force that binds the people to the culture that is the USA.  This is something that deserves debate.  Having a fluency in the language of the country of your citizenship is a critical necessity.  

All of our business done at a government agency either on-line or at the facility should be conducted in the official language.  You should learn the language, not have the taxpayer fund the services to be provided in a language you understand.  This may sound very narrow minded from someone who is native born here and English is the language I have had since birth.  I know this issue brings out overtones of cultural differences.  People come to the USA for the opportunity.  It is a vast melting pot.  One should never forget your heritage. You should celebrate your heritage.  However, you are here and here English is the common denominator.  It is not meant to demean your language or take away from it in any way shape or form. 

I am a very strong believer that children should be trained in other languages right from the start of their education.  It is very important that one be able to converse in another language.  It is a large world. Understanding part of that world through another language is what will help you and the USA be a better place. 

You came to the USA for the opportunity. You should join it, not have it join you.  If I were to go live in another country, I would not expect the government agencies to speak English to conduct official business.   There can be any number of the organizations can support someone in understanding or translating things to English.  It is not the taxpayers’ responsibility to give you what you need in your language.  I say taxpayer and not government because the taxpayer funds things. Is it really too much to ask that you learn the language of the country you want to live in? If you want to do business with a government agency, do really expect that agency be required to provide the translating service to you?

I am more than willing to have a reasoned debate on this. It is hard to discuss topics of this nature without someone eventually bringing up the issue of race or immigration aspects. I would hope that would not be the case. My intent here is to stimulate discussion on having a designated national language as a unifying aspect to the melting pot that is the USA.     

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