Monday, January 15, 2018

15 Jan 2018 Is Religion A Positive?

Is Religion A Positive?

When dealing with the topic you are going to offend some people. I am not a fan of organized religion. I don’t think you can find an institution in history that has led to more conflict.  Mankind for millennium has looked to some higher power to explain the world. It ranged from multiple gods in Greece to one God and Christianity. 

With religion came leaders in the organization, the common term is priest for someone leading a religious organization.  Priests accumulated power, power led to corruption. Once religion transform from one person observing practices by themselves to having group meetings led by priests or leaders, it became a business that required resources to sustain. The larger the organizations became the more power was consolidated into fewer men. It was and is men that run religious organizations. Women are second-class when it comes to leadership.

Not long after the religious organizations got large, leaders and especially the one man viewed as the head leader took on a persona above being just a normal man. Soon, leaders were judging what religion was the true one and telling followers that other religions were dangerous and should be destroyed.

Religion is the true concept of faith. That is, believing something that can’t be proved true. Today, we have two large religious groups Christianity and Islam that are so similar in some ways but diametrically opposed as to who represents each group. Christianity believes the last prophet was Jesus. Islam believes it is Mohammed. Islam also believe Jesus was a prophet, just not the last one.

Christianity has its divisions, some are very large, but who they worship is not. You have Christianity and Islam, both who believe there is a God. Both have guiding documents, the Bible and Koran. The Bible was written by many, the Koran the teachings of one. The question is, do either of these religions have an overall positive impact on the world?  NO.  Too much life has been lost through war started due to religious differences.

There are places where the two coexisted, these are becoming more challenging. I don’t know how there will be a reconciliation between the two as long as both say they are the one true religion.  How are each of the true religion if you can’t prove anything?

I would not band religions.  Anyone is free to worship however they want. However, neither should interfere with how I want to live my life.  Freedom of religion is also freedom from those religions.

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