Saturday, January 6, 2018

6 Jan 2018 What Are You Passionate About?

What Am You Passionate About?

There are a multitude of resources to help you follow your passion.  I have participated in several.  My challenge is defining what I am truly passionate about.  You would think by know I would know.  There are some things, like reading, that I like a lot.  I get great pleasure from reading.  However, that is not an activity that provides an income to live on.  Following your passion usually entails building an income from that activity.  It does not have to be the sole source of your financial life but that should be the goal.  If you are doing what you are passionate about then you would not think of it as work.

 I loved flying in the military.  However, I knew I would not be able to do that for a lifetime.  It was challenging, exciting, even gut wrenching at times.  But in the span of my life it is a memory.  I do not long for the good old days.  Flying in the Navy was a fantastic period of time in my life. Flying for the airlines is a completely different environment and feeling.  It is just a job.  Landing on a 6000 foot runway is not the same as landing on an aircraft carrier.   I did not have the desire to go fly for the airlines.  A lot of my friends did and that is okay.  I can’t exactly say why I didn’t want to fly for the airlines, I just didn’t pursue it.

For the past decade I have been trying to figure out what activity brings my level of excitement up to what one would call passionate?   I don’t think of my life as missing something because I can’t define something I am passionate about. By any standard I have an incredible life. Just having a really good job that I enjoy and provides a very good income is enough.  I don’t have to make my living over something I am passionate about.

You may be saying to yourself “come on, there has to be something you’re passionate about?” I ask myself the same thing.

I don’t have a boring life, at least to me.  Someone else may look at it and have a completely different opinion.  That is okay with me.  I don’t live their life and they don’t live mine. I will take the small things that I really enjoy and continued to do those throughout my life over searching for something that just may not be there in me.

 I hope everyone finds something that they are truly passionate about and can make that a major part of their life. There is nothing wrong to search for your passion.  You should try multiple activities in your life.  Some you may enjoy, some you may not.   In your search and trial of things you may just find that one that speaks to you deep inside.  You will know without any doubt that that is the activity you half to pursue, you want to pursue and will pursue no matter what the cost.

I am not giving up on finding something that sparks a passion in me.  It is just not a driving factor at this stage in my life. But I will keep looking.

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