Monday, January 1, 2018

1 Jan 2018 My Year With Questions

For the year 2018 I will write answers to questions that cover a range of topics.  Some personal, some based on issues facing us and others that interest me.  I’m doing this to challenge to myself.  I always held the self-belief that I couldn’t write.  Now this is not a novel, but it does make me write every day.  One question every day for the year.  
Some of the answers will put me out of my comfort zone.  It is useless if I I’m not open and honest in my responses.  I’ll write an answer of sufficient length to cover the issue and not just get a check in the box for that day.  
I’m sure some of my opinions may not sit well with everyone.  I would need to take a bland position on everything to not get some negative reactions.  It is not my intent by any means to piss someone off.  However, if you state a position, not all will agree.  
To be honest feedback is not relevant.  I’m not looking for validation.  I’m looking to push myself.  I welcome feedback, but even if none comes, it does not change the goal.  Though I am doing this for myself I hope some of my answers offer insight you may not have considered.  
I do not have “The Answers.”  I only have my answers shaped by my experiences.  I don’t look them as right or wrong.  I am open to have my views changed with better insight.  My answers today to some of the questions are probably different than what I may have written 20 years ago.  

Let’s see where this challenge takes me.

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