Friday, January 4, 2019

4 Jan What Has Become Of The Republican Party?

What Has Become Of The Republican Party?

Yesterday was a sad display of where the Republican party has come under Trump. While the Democrats were celebrating taking control of the House with a very diverse set of people, the Republicans sat there and watched.  Who was watching?  An overwhelming number of old white guys.  They could have been gracious and applauded the Democrats, but they chose to just sit there.  

And even worse was the spectacle playing out at the White House.  While the Democrats were getting great tv coverage, Trump decides to have a press conference.  This is so small of him.  He knew he would get tv coverage.  He did not disappoint.  He said some of the most ignorant things a President has ever said.  Not just recent presidents, but in the history of all of them. He once again proved just how dumb he really is.  It was said to see clips of it. 

The Republican party has no conscious now.  They put their trust in Trump and have rode him to the bottom.  Unless there is some drastic change in the next 2 years, they are going to be a very minority party after the 2020 elections.  

I know there are many people who support the Republican party and what it to return to its roots. That may eventually happen but it will take a large purge of the Trump ass kissers and the “Freedom Caucus .”  That will take time, maybe many years.  I don’t particularly care.  I am an independent.  I can’t support anyone who continued to support Trump after the things he has done. I want at least two strong parties because we need that for a healthy democracy.  Trump republicans are not it.   

Thursday, January 3, 2019

3 Jan 2019 Why Do I Have Targets Not Goals?

Why Do I Have Targets Not Goals?

Most people around New Years come up with a list of goals for the year. For any it is to get into better shape.   The challenge with this is there is no measurable way to track progress or success. If you set a target instead of a goal, then you have a metric based way of tracking things.  With a target, you can also break it down into sub-components to measure how well you are doing.  

It is ok and desirable to make significant targets you want to achieve. In fact, you should make a target that seems almost impossible.  I say almost because a target has to have some reality to it.  If your target is to make one million dollars in income this year and you are only making fifty thousand, then there is very little reality in what you want to do.  However, if your target were $150k, thus tripling your income, then it would be a big challenge but not out of the question. 

It may seem daunting on how you get there.   This is where you need milestones.  It can be weekly, monthly or quarterly. For me it is all three.  I will have specific targets over each of these timeframes. This will allow me to course correct as needed. 

All of my targets are challenging.  It comes down to am I willing to do the work necessary?  I can plan all day long.  I can come up with detailed metrics.  However, the day in and day work determine success.  Do the work required, period.  No excuses.  Blame no one. Take total ownership.   Simple yes, easy no.  Worth it? Absolutely. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

2 Jan 2019 What Is My Why?

What Is My Why?

Most people have trouble defining why they want or need something.  They have no problem saying what they want or need. A coach told me that unless you can articulate your why you will not have a burning desire to achieve your want. Without that burning desire there is no chance of you obtaining your want.

My challenge in the past has been defining my why.  During the past year I had some things happen that brought my why into focus.  I received a medical diagnosis that was an easy fix but let me know just how easy things could change.  I also had another potential medical issue that turned out to be not the issue we thought it could.  These two events finally convinced me that I have to take better care of my physical self. 

My personal life also underwent some challenges that told me I have to make changes there too.  It is never easy to have a breakup of a marriage.  No matter how close you remain, someone always is hurt.  I can only reassure that the breakup will be done with integrity.  It is not the case where one has to win and the other loses.  Neither of us wants that.   We have no immediate timetable.  We will move forward as both are able to get organized and eventually relocated. 

I do have the burning desire to take charge of my life and get on the path to realizing all I can.  It is an exciting future.  2019 will see a tremendous transformation in my life.  I look forward to meeting all my targets and see the changes.   

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

1 Jan 2019 What’s In Store For 2019?

What’s In Store For 2019?

There are millions of people who say they are going to make big changes in their in life starting today.  Health and fitness clubs all over are crammed for the month.  Slowly but surely this dies out and by March things get back to normal.  They can almost guarantee it because they see it every year.

Why does this happen?  Because people don’t have their why.  Is 1 Jan really any different of a day?  No.  It has been used as a reason to start on some path to better their lives.  I know of this organization that uses December as a time to get people to start the habits and routines for a better life specifically so their mindset it not fixated on 1 Jan.  Many people gain weight between Thanksgiving and New Year because of all the holiday activities that have “bad” food.  If you start making changes on 1 Dec you may limit that weight gain.  I have started on the change process myself over the past several months. 

What is in store for me?  To make any change you should declare it publicly, so you have accountability.  There has to be some measurable component.  Here is my declaration.

I will optimize my body for fitness and life.  Whatever that translates into a specific weight I will accept.  My target is to fit into pants with a waist size of 34.  

I will treat food more as a fuel than an indulgence.  I will allow myself plenty of times to enjoy it, however, for the most part I will respect what I eat. My target is one “cheat day” a week.

I will continue to enhance my spiritual journey.  That does not mean any specific religious path but a realization that there are powers “out there” greater than me.  My target is to attend a 10-day silent mediation retreat. 

I will get my personal relationships in order.  I have some that need to be altered and others enhanced.  My financial target is debt free by 2020.

I will transition my business life to one where I can be location independent. My target is a consulting business by 2020.

I will provide monthly status updates on each.  

As someone said, “you have to get comfortable being uncomfortable if you want to see great change.”

Happy New Year!